









        東亞是全球最為快速老化的地區。日本在20年前即已面臨此一挑戰,至今累積諸多迎向高齡化的寶貴經驗與應對之道。在這樣的區域及時代脈絡中,2025年,臺灣醫療人類學學會(TSMA)與東亞醫療人類學網路(East Asian Medical Anthropology Network, EAMAN)將舉行聯合年會,這也是 EAMAN 的第一屆年會。誠摯邀請您一同參與,討論與交流重要的時代議題。



2025 年年會徵稿主題及類型

       2025 年聯合年會徵稿,包括但不限於上述主題。誠摯邀請各方研究者與實務工作者一同進行跨領域、跨國界對話,探尋超高齡人類社會經驗的多樣性與新思辨。






➮ 說明核心關注的議題

➮ 介紹臨床或實務場景脈絡

➮ 描述代表性的案例或事件情境

➮ 關於案例或事件情境的分析或詮釋

➮ 個人身處其中或觀察經驗的反思與建議





 投稿請提供發表題目、摘要(中文250-300字;英文150-200字)、關鍵字  (3-5個)、任職機關單位與職稱(學生請註明就讀學校名稱與學制)。


➮ 同一 panel 可包含原創性研究論文、臨床或實務案例等兩類型稿件。

➮ 需至少 3 篇文章、最多 5 篇(包含與談)。

➮ 文章如有多位共同作者,投稿相關訊息本會將以通訊作者為主要聯繫對象。

議題小組(panel)投稿請提供發表題目、摘要(中文250-300字;英文150- 200字);單篇文章摘要(中文250-300字;英文150-200字),請說明小組探討之議題、各文章之關聯等。議題小組(panel)關鍵字(3-5 個)、任職機關單位與職稱(學生請註明就讀學校名稱與學制)。

















主辦單位:臺灣醫療人類學學會(TSMA)、East Asian Medical Anthropology 

                    Network (EMAN)




文章設定 標籤 徵稿啟事,年會,最新活動, 沒有符合的建議 發布日期: 2024/12/26 上午9:44 永久連結 位置 選項

Call for Panels and Papers

2025 Joint Annual Meeting of 
Taiwan Society for Medical Anthropology (TSMA) and 
East Asia Medical Anthropology Network (EAMAN)

Cultural Perspectives on Super-Aged Societies: Generations, Technology and Care

Time: June 14-15, 2025 (Sat. & Sun.)

Venue: Taipei Medical University, Taiwan

      In 2025, Taiwan and South Korea will become "super-aged societies." What kind of cultural perspectives can we rely on to visualize such an epochal encounter in history? For instance, in our daily language use, "longevity" is completely different from "aging" in conceptual and practical implications. In addition to such a necessary caution, are there other culturally prescribed perspectives and expectations that can inspire us while facing the future?

      East Asia is, without a doubt, the most rapidly aging region in the world. Japan has embraced the challenges of super-aged population 20 years ago, and has accumulated many valuable experiences and solutions to cope with them. In this regional context, in 2025, the Taiwan Society for Medical Anthropology (TSMA) and the East Asian Medical Anthropology Network (EAMAN) will hold a joint annual meeting. This will also be EAMAN’s first annual meeting. We sincerely invite you to join us to discuss relevant issues and exchange ideas about a pivotal moment of our time.

      We invite panel and individual paper proposals in response to the following  questions and themes:

 What are the special features of generational justice and gender equality in a  "super-aged society"?

 What is the focus of innovation and policy direction in technological R&D  and industrial transformation? How will they affect resource allocation?

 What are the new challenges in medical care, public health deployment,  long-term care, welfare policies, fiscal sustainability, labor force,   technological  research and development?

➮ What policy initiatives are required to strengthen the link between medical care and long-term care services? Additionally, how can we develop smart technologies to benefit both healthcare providers and patients?

➮ How do we view the fundamental issues surrounding longevity, aging, health, life expectancy, hospice, generational relationships, and bioethics?

 Could the crisis be a turning point, prompting rapid progress in policy, medical technology research and development, and social and cultural transformation?

 Care is a common phenomenon that primarily affects individuals and families in the super-aged societies. The caregiving network interweaves the boundaries of workforce and resources among generations, public vs. private sectors, national borders, body, mind, and soul. All these phenomena lead to inquiries of cross-cultural perspectives on care and labor in everyday life.

 How will the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) affect the aging care systems?

      Panel and paper proposals beyond the aforementioned questions and topics are also welcome.We sincerely invite researchers and practitioners to engage in cross-discipline and cross-border dialogues to explore the diversity and new thinking of encountering super-aged societies.

1. Submission Types:

      Each person can submit only one paper proposal.

Panel Submission

➮ At least 3 articles are required, and a maximum of 5 articles (including discussants).

➮ If the article has multiple co-authors, the corresponding author will be the main contact for submission-related information.

➮ Submissions should include the title of the panel, the abstract of the panel (300-500 words, please describe the topics discussed by the group, the relationship between each article, etc.), the panel keywords (3-5), and the title and abstract of each article (250-300 words), keywords (3-5), affiliation and position title.

Each person can submit only one panel proposal. If the article has multiple co-authors, the corresponding author will be the main contact for submission-related information. 

Individual Paper Submission

➮  If an article has multiple co-authors, the corresponding author will be the main contact for submission-related information.

➮ Please fill out the paper title, abstract (250-300 words), keywords (3-5), your affiliations and position title when submitting your article.

➮ There is no registration fee required when submitting an article.

➮ After receiving the acceptance notice, please complete the registration and payment on time. Registration must be consistent with the identity of the contributor.

➮ Anyone who participates in the annual meeting must register and pay the fee.

3. Important Dates:

        December 26, 2024: Call for papers (abstracts) begins 

        The call for papers (abstracts) ends on February 28, 2025 

        Accepted papers/panels will be notified of registration and payment before the  end of March 2025.

4. Registration Fee:

        TSMA Membership: Free

        General attendees: NT$ 2,000

        Doctoral students: NT$ 1,000

        Other students: NT$ 500

🌐 Meeting time: June 14-15, 2025 (Saturday and Sunday) 

🏫Meeting location: Taipei Medical University, Xinyi Campus (No. 250, Wuxing Street, Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan) 

👥 Sponsors: Taiwan Society for Medical Anthropology (TSMA), East Asian Medical Anthropology Network (EAMAN) 

📆Co-sponsor: College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Taipei Medical University Deadline for submission of papers and panels: February 28, 2025

